My writing

What was the best compliment you’ve received?

I’ve forgotten the exact words the person used but I wrote something on my WhatsApp a long time ago, because I am the kind of person to just go on her status and talk about what’s on my mind.

So I wrote and wrote, thinking no one would actually read it because we always joke that me and my brother write epistles that no one has the patience for.

This day I wrote, I have also forgotten what I wrote about, but after that two people told me that I wrote really well and that they love my writing.

I honestly couldn’t quantify the joy I felt. I was so happy, it made me realize that I wasn’t as averse to compliments as I had previously thought, I did the not just like the type of compliments I was given.

When I was told I was beautiful or other such words, I don’t feel flattered, most times I feel like they’re lying to me for some reason and maybe that has to do with my insecurities but that is something for another day.

But anytime someone compliments my writing or my intelligence, I love it so much because maybe those are the things I value most about myself too and I love to see other people love it too.

Whatever project I’m working on, I spend a lot of time and energy and I love to see that appreciated too. Don’t get me wrong, compliments about anything are wonderful but personally I just prefer some over others.

Up, Close and Personal

I can’t lie, I’m going through a rut right now. I haven’t had the motivation to write in days, despite the fact that I have a lot of writing projects. It’s not that I don’t have the ideas, I do but putting them down is the issue, that and getting them to where I want them to be.

Like this for instance, I have like 5 blog ideas, one of which I’ve already written down and the rest are in several stages of completion but I just have a mental block preventing me from finishing it up.

I can assure you though that they will be up soon, so I am going to make this a personal post instead to catch you up on things going on right now in my life (spoiler alert, there’s nothing going on) and just random things I’ve watched or thought about, since it’s been around a year since I posted the ‘College is after my life’s one, I decided to give a little update.

I finished my exams a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been doing what I dreamt of doing during this semi-holiday, sleeping and using my phone but then it’s not all I hyped it up to be, for one thing, I feel like someone grabbed me and mildly punched me all over. Probably due to too much sleep but I love it too much to give it up.

It’s a slippery slope.

I met this random guy online and he gave me quite the creep experience, I mean I have met a few guys that do a few creepy things now and then but this, I don’t know if it was intentional but it was certainly creepy.

So I met this guy online -lets call him Chaddling- like I said, on an anonymous platform and he gave me his number, I didn’t reply to that particular message he sent for over 3 months because school -and life- over the holidays, I was bored again and felt it was time to try out friendships I know wouldn’t last and I came across the last message he sent with his actual phone number so I chatted him up on WhatsApp.

But the chat was more lackluster than I expected, so nothing really came off it and I knew it wasn’t going to work out at all but this guy didn’t get the memo. He kept asking if he could call me and kept sending messages two, three days after and we didn’t have anything to talk about. The conversation would be dry at best.

I think four days after I chatted him up was when I received a call from an unknown number, the person on the call was friendly and I was like ‘who is this?’ and he was like ‘guess?’, so I thought it was definitely someone I knew, because someone I didn’t know well (or at all) wouldn’t ask me to guess because I wouldn’t know who they are, right? Right?

So I started asking questions to get to know him, I even asked him several times ‘did we go to the same school?’ and he said no and I was surprised because I didn’t know any guys outside of the schools I’ve been to.

He gave me a few clues, like the place I schooled in and the course I wanted to study and I was like sure we had gone to the same school and thought he was lying because how could he have that information about me. I asked for his tribe but he didn’t tell me so I thought it’s because I would be able to narrow it down.

He also made some annoying comments about how he thought I was smarter than this with all the ckes he had given me and how if is as to be a detective is this how i’d be like. Eventually I used my sister’s Truecaller to caught the crap in half because I was already tired of the charade and I didn’t have Truecaller myself and it turns out that it was Chaddling!

I couldn’t believe it, this guy talked like we were friends and he talked like he knew and we had only talked three times in total.

So I was like ‘how did you know this was where I schooled?’ because I knew I hadn’t told him and he was like ‘come on, you were the one that told me these things during these times’ mentioning specifics that never happened, for one thing I was never at the place he claimed I said I was when supposedly talking to him about my school. So I asked me to send a screenshot of where I told him these information and he couldn’t find it, probably because i never told him.

He wouldn’t have found out my name too if it hadn’t been for Trucaller (which I began to doubt if it was even true) and then i also asked how he knew the course I had initially wanted to study, with him making jokes about it even and that was when he started to tell me that as he spoke to me he closed his eyes and began to see these things, it was just like he knew from somewhere before.

Nuh uh. I don’t have money so I am definitely not buying that. What I couldn’t get over was how nonchalant he was behaving about everything, wanting to put it behind him as if he didn’t just guess two very specific things about me that I have never put online. That and, he just kept on Talking as if he knew, that was the creepiest things of all. Thinking back at it, I just can’t get over it, it’s just weird when someone you have no idea who they are keep talking to you like you’re very good friends.

Uhgghh! I shudder in French.

So he kept trying to talk to me and I wouldn’t reply, telling me how I’m making him sad with not replying to him because he’s become attached to me (no, thank you!)

and he called (I didn’t pick) and i told him that I don’t think there’s going to be any friendship between us and he has the gall to ask me why. Certainly because you didn’t act like a creepy stalker that’s for sure.

At last, I couldn’t handle any of it so I told again that I don’t think we can be friends and I blocked both of his numbers. I just noped right out.

And that’s the most interesting that happened to me over the holidays but it’s just one of the amazing experiences I have had with people I met online (story for another day) but I have beautiful luck in meeting not-so-beautiful (character wise) people.

This is getting too long so I’ll end it here. If you want to get in touch with me and share your own experiences, stories or ask me to talk about something, send me an e-mail at I would love to read it.