My writing

What was the best compliment you’ve received?

I’ve forgotten the exact words the person used but I wrote something on my WhatsApp a long time ago, because I am the kind of person to just go on her status and talk about what’s on my mind.

So I wrote and wrote, thinking no one would actually read it because we always joke that me and my brother write epistles that no one has the patience for.

This day I wrote, I have also forgotten what I wrote about, but after that two people told me that I wrote really well and that they love my writing.

I honestly couldn’t quantify the joy I felt. I was so happy, it made me realize that I wasn’t as averse to compliments as I had previously thought, I did the not just like the type of compliments I was given.

When I was told I was beautiful or other such words, I don’t feel flattered, most times I feel like they’re lying to me for some reason and maybe that has to do with my insecurities but that is something for another day.

But anytime someone compliments my writing or my intelligence, I love it so much because maybe those are the things I value most about myself too and I love to see other people love it too.

Whatever project I’m working on, I spend a lot of time and energy and I love to see that appreciated too. Don’t get me wrong, compliments about anything are wonderful but personally I just prefer some over others.